
Nutrition Facts Serving Size (20g)   In Myanmar, there is no presence of the first producing oil, a delicious blend of pickled tea U Kar Ka......

A cashew is a kind of nuts which is very beneficial for health if we add them in our daily routine just like other food which we eat but in a balance form. Normally when.....

Hello Friends, Call me ‘eggykathy’. Great news !! Our insanely delicious salted egg potato chips is coming soon. It is freshly made salted egg snacks with only the best and freshest ingredients and without any.....

  Honey gives great energy to the body. Honey has low calorie content. Honey, when it is compared with the same amount of sugar, gives 40% less calories to the body. In addition to its.....

Processing Contrary to popular belief, Lorem lpsum is not simply random text. It has root in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Activities Genius shan Highlands.....

To get a good quality peanut oil fit for health, we use and produce only with qualified raw peanuts free from dust, sand and small stones. To be clean from mold allergies, raw peanuts are.....

The mung bean, alternatively known as the moong  bean ,green gram , golden gram, Pesalu , Oregon Pea, Bando, Yayenan, Nga-Choi, T-Tong , mungsankrit/ mudgo   Vigna Radiata. It is mainly cultivated in China, Korea, India.....

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